And of course they delight in moving about in the shadows where they can't be 
seen... Presumably setting up some sort of "accident"

(Dogs have owners, cats have staff)

John W Reames
Home: +14106646986
Mobile: +14437915905

On Nov 27, 2012, at 16:06, andrew strasfogel <> wrote:

> Each of our two black 18 lb. cats delights in slowly making his way
> ahead of me as I attempt to descend the stairs.  I always ask them
> politely  "Excuse me - am I in your way?" and they generally move a
> little quicker (but not much)..
> Andrew
> Human staff to Mystal and Polydamas
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Randy Bennell <> wrote:
>> On 26/11/2012 6:51 PM, clay monroe wrote:
>>> Sad to hear that you fell afoul of the laws of gravity.  I wish you a
>>> speedy recovery
>>> clay
>> The thing that truly amazes me is how quickly it happened. I don't know if
>> that is a factor of age. I think perhaps in the past, I might have slipped
>> and recovered but this time I just slipped big time.
>> I'm not ancient - I'm 60 -  and although I am a bit over nourished, I don't
>> consider myself to be falling apart quite yet so it is a bit of a wake up
>> call. I also consider myself to be quite careful so it bothers me that it
>> happened like it did.
>> I fell a couple of times a couple of years ago but those were outdoors. I
>> stepped out the back door in our office building on the way to my vehicle
>> and it was icy. Down I went but I put my arm out and broke the fall mostly.
>> I suffered a bit of pain in my shoulder for a long while - maybe because I
>> did it a second time in the same spot. After that I seemed to catch on to
>> the fact that it is often slippery in that spot.
>> I have also stepped out of my truck when it was slippery and essentially
>> ended up hanging from my seat belt with my legs under the truck.
>> Apart from those incidents I have not fallen in many years. I recall a
>> couple of incidents when I was working on the addition to our house but that
>> would have been back in about 1987. I was backing down a ladder with tools
>> in both hands and managed to lose my balance and fall backward onto the
>> deck. I punched a bit of a hole in the palm of my hand that time as I landed
>> on a duplex nail that was holding some bracing during the construction
>> process.
>> I also stepped backwards off of a stepladder one time,  onto a screwdriver I
>> had left on the floor of the porch and it rolled under my foot and I went
>> down but I don't recall really even hurting after those incidents, but, of
>> course, I was much younger.
>> Randy
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