Grant sez:

and we are turning edible corn
into untaxed whisky to burn in our cars.

I am not sure the varieties grown specifically for ethanol are what I (or anyone else) would consider"edible" I have not seen any info about the food use of ethanol specific varieties.

There is some question (an no resolution that I have seen) about use of GMO crops for human consumption or animals grown for human consumption. If it turns out that GMO crops cause human and or animal dis-ease, then mass starvation will be the norm.

There is even mounting evidence that traditional plant breeding has caused a fair amount of human dis-ease and disease.

As an aside:
I like the euphemism "untaxed whiskey" but the purity of whiskey is nowhere even close to the purity of fuel ethanol.

The whiskey rebellion is an interesting study of freedom vs gummit meddling.

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