The short grip of the 26 can be fixed
with a longer magazine fitted with a
slip-on grip at the bottom,

Those grip extenders are notorious for causing reliability problems.

Get a grip!  (Don't extend it, buy it long enough in the first
place.  Aka 19, 17.)  Glock grips _are_ a bit fat, but they're
all double-stack magazines.  GG was after military contracts,
no way he was going to make the thinner single-stack kind.
(Not at first, anyway, and I don't think he's changed that.)

Have I told my Glock story?  When I first bought my house was
about the same time a buddy bought his first gun, a G17.  I
had acreage, so he came out here to try it out.  (Range time
costs, and he wanted some outside fun too.)  Three of us there
to try it out.  I had some dying oranges, three of them, so I
jammed sticks in the ground and the oranges on top.

A: Fills gun, aims at orange, misses.  x18.
E: Fills gun, aims at orange, misses.  x18.
I: Fills gun, aims at orange, hit.  x2.  (Then misses x16.)

I would have given nearly _anything_ for that third shot to be
a hit.  I would have handed it back, with 15 still in it, and
said "nice gun."

I had no pistol experience up 'til then, and certainly despised
his choice of weapon as being all plastic and ugly.  A Toyota,
in other words.  (I mostly held my tongue, though, no need to
crap on his parade.)  The problem is, it actually works pretty well
in spite of everything I don't like about it.  It's an excellent
utility piece.  The one to loan to friends when they go out
drinking.  Or diving in salt water.  Esthetically I prefer
old-school work.  Like a S&W N-frame, or my 200D.

I _would_ like to get one of their entrenching shovels (one of
GG's early products).   I'd carry it to a party under my coat,
and then ask this guy if he wanted to see my new Glock.  "I
got as many shots as you'll hold still for!"

-- Jim

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