Fascinating. This isn't the first time I've found conflicting
information in different publications. In summary:

TheTDM says turbo is 80-100, while non-turbo is 85-94.

The FSM says turbo is 80-94, while non-turbo is 85-100.

The CD-ROM is vague but implies 85-100 for both.

The EPC only shows opening temps, and says turbo is 80C, while
non-turbo is 85C (not the same part number).


-Dave M.

> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 11:48:00 -0500
> From: Marshall Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] SOS - '87 190Dt Overheat!
> Dave M. wrote:
> > I think Marshall got the numbers confused. I just checked the
> > OM602/603 factory  manual, section 20-005. The chart there says that
> > non-turbo 602 engine t-stats start opening at 85C, and are fully open
> > by 100C. However the turbo 602 and 603 engine t-stats start opening at
> > 80C, and are fully open at 94C. Either way is somewhat irrelevant, as
> > both should be fully open by the time a pot of water is boiling, for
> > test purposes.
> TDM 1985 (p 231) shows OM60x.91/92 nonturbo engines use a thermostat
> that starts opening at 85 and is full open at 94. The 1988 TDM (p 304)
> also shows OM60x.91/92 nonturbo engines use a thermostat that starts
> opening at 85 and is full open at 94 and the OM60x.96 turbo engines use
> a thermostat that starts opening at 80 and is fully open at 100 deg. C.
> The descriptions in section 20-005 of the engine manual are for
> illustration only and imply that both turbo and non turbo engines use
> the same thermostat - but they don't.
> Check the part numbers for turbo and non-turbo 60x engines.
> Marshall

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