You know what is really absurd about all this? I get 2-3 calls a day about credit cards, a free cruise, other crap, from robocallers. My phone is on the DoNotCall list. These outfits call millions of people a day. I even get them on my cell phone. You would think the NSA could track down whoever they are and send a drone right up their... call servers, while they are monitoring my phone, email, facebook, web browsing, and when I take a leak. I would gladly pay a dollar or two for them to do that, and see if I could get a few million other people to do the same.


On 6/8/13 5:57 PM, G Mann wrote:
If you believe apathy rules... better check your local gun store.. or even
your local Walmart ammunition sales area... SOLD OUT.. and have been for

Go to a gun show.. thousands of citizens, legally arming themselves...
because they do not feel safe... Gun sales have set new records every week
since 20 Jan 2008.. fact easily checked..

It has been about 35 years since I wrote a CIA white paper, but the same
skill set still applies.. I just call it as I'm seeing it.. the citizens
are alarmed.. spending money in a down economy, to secure themselves and
their property as best they can..

The current round of "scandal" only pushes their thresholds.. I see a
reaction very likely.
As posted above.. the public perception is that election is now fraud..
their vote is without hope. Other options are being thought of.. how those
manifest I can not truly predict.. except to predict there will be an
action forthcoming.. a strong one.

Your personal mileage may vary.. your complete personal option. I respect


On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Mountain Man <> wrote:

Greg wrote:
...I strongly believe that all of our other options
that the framers of our political system prepared for us will rectify the
problems long before that would become necessary.
As I have taught my children: violence is NEVER a good solution. (But
sometimes it is the ONLY solution).
Violence is never a solution.
However, at what point do we come to recognize that we are
head-in-sand regarding the reality that all of our options are no
longer available?  Vote? - how much fraud does it take to recognize
that this option is flawed?  Correspondence? - how many staff members
does it take to realize that our thoughts do not matter?  How many
stories about the lobbyists in all politics does it take to realize
that politics is tied to $$?

My continuing frustration is that there are zero solutions.  I want to
see solutions expressed.  Grant has laid out a scenario that sounds
very plausible if undesireable, but zero solution.  Simply more hand
wringing, greater complacency, more apathy.  I don't see the Redneck
Spring happening, primarily because of the universal complacency and
apathy tied to our sheople mentality fed by all media.  We are doomed.
  If we are not doomed, paint the probable scenario, please.  Tell us
there is difference between the administrations of Clinton/Bush/Obama.
  All are ruled by $ and no amount of vote or correspondence moves any
of this.

We are being played.  Think about it.

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