Grant wrote:
> The current round of "scandal" only pushes their thresholds..

Gun sales are hot, but I also hear the market has been robbed by huge
govt purchases, so of course consumer market is no-longer-available.
Even if everyone has guns, will anyone ever use them in a Redneck
Spring?  I have doubts that there can be anything of an organized Red
Spring in this media indoctrinated kulture.  We will all stand around
looking to see who takes the first shot, no shots fired, we all go
back to sleep watching 24.  Apathy rules.  Gimme bigmac and tv and I
am happy - go away.  The "scandal" is real... perhaps.  I think it is
a game that is playing us.  If you do white papers, you fully
understand (I don't understand espionage, but I Hollywood might have
some espionage correct - see Safe House) the complexity of what
espionage/counter-espionage really means.  I think Rush is blue-state
in reality and Hartman is red-state - both playing parts to dictate to
the masses.  The whole gig is not what it appears.  They reveal
meaningless "scandal" to drive people but have no intended action in
mind, merely to see which fools can be provoked.  Nobody will be
provoked.  They are playing us.  It is all a game and we are being
played.  I really like the concept of Redneck Spring but posit that it
won't happen.  There is zero organization, whereas the Patriots had a
communication network and messaging protocol in place regarding the
Red Coats - one if by land, two if by sea - or, whatever.  Us? - no
formality in comm at all - merely quasi intellect telling us how/what
to think, but zero action proposed, zero comm channels or methods to
even pass news.  In that, we really are %^&*(!

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