Automatic this, or auto that - there's NO excuse for not monitoring a system to ensure it's doing what you asked it to do. To set it and forget it to have its own way good or bad is criminal in my opinion. Three highly-experienced, well-paid men just sitting there doing nothing??!!! Couldn't somebody at least glance at airspeed indicator and altimeter occasionally during such a critical part of flight - slowing down and descending - and again, I mean DURING the operation, not after it's supposedly completed? 'Sounds like flying has become TOO boring - maybe they really can just put a monkey in the seat or leave the "monkeys" at home, anyway, if those paid to do it are just gonna sit there and play "monkey."


Hear Hear!   (thumping my non-existent cane on the floor for effect!)

If it going to be all automated, then eliminate the people and thereby pilot error. If these guys (or gals ) are sitting in the seat, they need to be monitoring the critical parameters (altitude, attitude and airspeed) whether on manual or auto.

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