These 2-cycle all-attitude diaphragm-style carbs are quite different from
the float bowl carbs on most 4-cycle engines.  On a float-bowl carb you can
usually drop the float bowl and clean the corrosion and varnish from the
main jet and needle valve.  Diaphragm carbs are littered with small fuel
passages that are easily clogged and almost impossible to clean.  This is
the same problem with a $100 chain saw or a $500 saw.  But the carbs are
cheap (like < $50) and easy to replace.  Professional repair shops often
just replace a compromised 2-cycle carb instead of trying to fix them.


Mitch Haley:

The bulb is just an air purge. Pump it until it fills with gas, then you
the carburetor is full.

One problem I hadn't mentioned is that if the fuel pickup doesn't travel
in the tank, it might suck air in certain orientations (usually when held
side down to fell a tree).




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