Allan Streib wrote:

I stepped on a yellow jacket nest once, coming down off a ladder that I
had set up right on top of the nest (unknowingly).  I'm not sure how
many times I got stung in the foot, I only felt one flash of pain, but
my foot swelled up to the point where I had to wear flip-flops for a
couple of days.

How about yellow jackets nesting in the attic insulation, chewing the drywall above your bed, dropping on you in your sleep and stinging you? Fortunately they're aggressive enough that the first one in my bed stung me so I didn't have to contend with 50 of them.

Another time I got nailed when they nested in a big round hay bale, I managed to clear out before getting stung a second time.

The first time I had a big reaction to a yellow jacket sting I was riding my bike flat out, about 25mph, and one got in my jersey. Nailed me 3 times in the chest before I got my bike stopped and pulled my jersey off.

Yellow jackets are kill on sight targets.
Wasps and hornets I kill only if they nest in car doors or mirrors.



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