Here are the 85 richest:

My question is: What does this comparison reveal? Of what use is it other than to point up the fact that 85 wealthy people have as much money as the half the worlds people who are the poorest? Some will say that the world has become a plutocracy since these wealthy people meet in Davos yearly and plan the worlds direction. Is that necessarily bad? Historically, the world has seen many plutocracies large and small. Some are of great value to the citizens in their realm such as was the plutocracy that controlled Venice, the richest city in Europe during the Middle Ages. It's citizens prospered due to the decisions of the wealthy families of Venice.

Currently the U.S. has the most billionaires and the U.S. is the most prosperous nation on earth. Barring bad luck, we Americans prosper according to our ambitions, abilities, wisdom, and intelligence. I was born in 1929 and I've seen the U.S. grow from a time when many thought it was doomed, to the richest and most powerful nation on earth, and many of the people who saved it were wealthy or those who sought wealth. Great leaders come in all sizes, shapes, temperaments, and ambitions; and they often become wealthy. As long as a nation such as the US remains a democracy, wealthy people who become a threat can be suppressed; one way or another.
(End of rant)

On 1/22/2014 10:46 PM, G Mann wrote:
It's a well established  statistic that 100% of all statistics are false.
[Tongue in firmly in cheek ;)) ]

If the statement is true that 85 people hold that kind of wealth, then who
are they, what do they do, and why doesn't the writer who made that
statement support the statement with fact and details?

"Show Me"

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Rich Thomas <> wrote:

Sounds like the redistribution of wealth that is being touted heavily --
"wealthy" taxpayers support lower-wage workers, plenty of workers who will
take the jobs, what's not to like?

Who's the fool?  Wally has it figured out and the sheeple and their
representatives willfully go along with it.

--R (typing with invisible hands)

On 1/22/14 4:56 PM, Andrew Strasfogel wrote:

Walmart is able to charge so litle because it pays its workers so little.
Many of them are on public assistance to make ends meet because WM doesn't
pay them a living wage.

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Tim Crone <> wrote:

  On Jan 22, 2014 10:05 AM, "Andrew Strasfogel" <>

tax rate.

...Is a factor of income, not wealth.


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