But I'm not so sure the masses of Germans would follow someone like they did Hitler...


obungler had the masses on oratory, not substance, just as 'Dolfie did. obungler's rise to power is a combination of Dolfie's and Yosef's tactics. Fortunately sheeple have begin to see the light and are leaving in droves. Next will be the burning of the reichstag, or an equivalent action

I often wondered how so many people could be misled so much by Dolfie. But deluding people and whipping them up into a frenzy can be done by any deranged narcissist.

After WWII, the japanese were asked about plans to invade the US. They said they had no plans to invade because of the armed population.

That same fact, and amendment, is what is keeping the current deranged narcissist from following in Dolfie's footsteps. The list of "en emies of the st ate" has already been published by ja net neo politan.

"those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."


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