One of the many programs the military channel focused on Hitlers commands during WW2. They said there were a number of attempts to assassinate him but the Allies decided his directions of the military would help the Allies win more than removing him from the picture. They may be right as he made some dumb commands that probably cost them way to many lives. Often when his Army got in trouble and needed to retreat and regroup Hitler's standard command was to never retreat. Several of his armies might have survived to fight another day if he had allowed them to retreat. He was also indecisive and changed his mind often. Possibly, if one of his Generals/Admirals had taken over they may have made better tactical decisions. The guy running the U-Boat program (Carnais - misspelled?) was put in charge at the end and he was infinitely better at running military operations than Hitler. Hitler managed some spectacular victories early in the war but the wins were more about their opponents lack of preparation for a modern mechanical war & surprise than brilliant tactics. The Polish army was a match for the Germans but they tried to fight tanks while on horses. Also, the French had a larger army and more tanks but their tactics was lacking, often using their tanks in too small numbers.

But I'm not so sure the masses of Germans would follow someone like they did Hitler...


On 1/25/2014 10:01 PM, Hendrik and Fay wrote:
Well for one thing the US might not have made shiploads of cash from WW2.
Or worse still, someone with some real brains and talent, instead of a self deluded nutjob might have risen to power in Germany and won the war.
Hitlers insanity is arguably the key reason that Germany lost the war.

who is mildly suffering from nutjobosis

On 23/01/14 21:37, Mitch Haley wrote: wrote:
Some are of great value to the citizens in their realm such as was the plutocracy that controlled Venice, the richest city in Europe during the Middle Ages. It's citizens prospered due to the decisions of the wealthy families of Venice.

And then, the fatal error.
They decided Hitler's artwork wasn't worth buying.
Imagine how different the world would be if that nutbag had been an impoverished artist instead of a starving artist.



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