So a funny anecdote about rich idiots. Last year Bill corralled a bunch of his rich buds and had them down here at Kiawah for a coupla days to talk about this philanthropy giveawayyourmoney thing. We have a little airport here, it was wall-to-wall with jets. This old black guy who lives up the road runs a halfass limo company, has a coupla cars. He got tapped to give these guys rides to and from the airport, somehow.

So he picks up Warren Buffet to take him to the airport, maybe a 20min drive. They get there, WB thanks him, and instead of flipping him a 20 for the ride as a tip, he gives him a boomerang. A f'n boomerang. I guess he got it at the conference or something and had no use for it so he gave it to the driver as a "tip." The old guy was cussing WB something fierce and telling that story all over the island, what a cheapass he was.

Trickle down boomerangs!


WB is not ashamed to tell what he things we should do. But the same as Goobermnt officious ones Holeywood rich, wallst crowd and the like, it is hypocrisy. Do as I say, not as I do.


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