For the record:  I am NOT advocating violence or overthrow of government..
I am simply making observations based on three things.

First: History is replete with citizens revolts when government becomes
oppressive. It has been a long standing observation that history does
repeat it's self.

Second: I see and hear a rising tide of unhappy citizens expressing
displeasure with government oppression.

Third: The founding fathers who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights
were well experienced in government oppression and wisely established that
there would be opportunity to peacefully revolt through the ballot box at
every election cycle.

Further, that should that fail, every citizen shall be guaranteed the right
to speak freely against and have legal redress against government.

Further should that fail, every citizen shall be guaranteed the right to
arms to take action to defend against oppressive government.. and defense
of self and property.

I apparently incorrectly presumed the above was self evident to all
Citizens.  My sincere apology.

Not too many Citizens in 2008, but lots of citizens. This is not evident to citizens; they are looking for the next handout. However it is encouraging that in the past 5.5 yrs, many more citizens are learning about Citizenship, and becoming Citizens.


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