When Wilton told me his diagnosis, I researched it and other autoimmune 
diseases. To make a long story short, there is some interesting experimentation 
and successes involving fecal transplants. (Fecal transplant is removing a 
patients feces and replacing it with known healthy feces from a donor.) 
There are probably human trials going on which will be reported out eventually, 
but most published trials so far only describe successes with lab animals that 
have autoimmune diseases.

1500 different organisms, viri, bacteria, parasites, etc. have been isolated 
from human feces. Some of those are known to emit toxins that cause disease, 
and viruses especially, can go right through the walls of the intestine and 
continually attack various organs and tissues.

Fecal transplant has entered mainstream medicine via the treatment of patients 
who have a bacterium growing in their intestine (clostridium difficile) that is 
often resistant to all antibiotics and can be fatal.
It's success has led to the manufacture and sale of "tablets" of feces
that are easier to ingest than flavored and disguised drinks of feces (which is 
more effective than fecal enemas).

Since the continual growth of organisms in the feces that that are causing 
disease can be dependent on a persons diet, a simpler and often worthwhile 
"test" is to put the patient on an "exclusion" diet different from the patients 

In the view of a number of "renegade" physicians and researchers, autoimmune 
diseases, as well as a number of others, are cause by viri or other organisms 
and the toxins they produce.
Current orthodoxy, however, is that autoimmune disorders are caused by internal 
"mistakes" caused by the bodies immune system. Time will tell.

Gerry...a medical professional who learned long ago never to recommend a drug 
or procedure to an individual patient that wasn't officially certified by the 
government for a particular disease. The legal consequences can be considerable.


 a b Borody TJ, Leis S, Campbell J, et al. (2011). "Fecal Microbiota 
Transplantation (FMT) in multiple sclerosis (MS)". Am J Gastroenterol 106: S352.

^ a b c Ananthaswamy, Anil (19 January 2011). "Faecal transplant eases symptoms 
of Parkinson's". New Scientist. Retrieved 2013-01-22.

Also, enter "veterinary treatment with fecal transplant" in www.bing.com
It seems that vets are having successes with fecal transplant as well.

LarryT via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:

> I had IVIG treatments back in the late 90s when my disease 1st raised 
> its ugly head.  I was to the point I was only sleeping 10 min or so at a 
> time due to pain and those 10 min were not very restful. It's amazing 
> what sleep deprivation will do.
> The 1st IVIG treatment was pretty effective.  I got about 5 hours of 
> great sleep for a change.  6 months later I got another IVIG treatment 
> and it was effective for a couple of months.   We tried once more but I 
> didn't see change at all.  we then went to narcotics and my neurologists 
> turned me over to a Anesthesiologist who tried similar methods before 
> putting a pump under the skin with Dilaudid (concentrated morphine)  in 
> it dripping  into my spine.
> at some point in the early '00s, a med called Lyrica was developed which 
> made a huge positive difference.   But I'm not so sure the original 
> diagnosis was 100% accurate.
> I'd like to try weight loss and exercise but it's so hard to exercise 
> when my legs are a problem.  My ortho surgeon suggested water exercise 
> which I hope to try soon.   so we'll see.
> mao said he forgot what caused the need for IVIG -- nerve damage. There 
> are variants but I was told mine is Chronic Inflammatory demylinating 
> polyneuropathy. (CIDP) .  There's also Guilleme Berret (sp?) which can 
> also be quite bad.  My only symptom is extreme pain while others have 
> pain and muscle loss causing some to become wheelchair bound.  Others 
> have seen remission and have become almost 100% again.
> Back to mao - my problem is the mylin covering on the nerve bundles is 
> being attacked by antibodies - when mylin is lost the signals to the 
> brain are confused.      The nerve bundles look like millions of sausage 
> strings and the casing would be the mylin.
> Wilt & I both have the same disease - when I was getting the IVIG I was 
> told it was a $10K prescription  -- thankfully I have insurance that 
> covered it.   Some people have IVIG treatments very often - like 2-3 per 
> week.   Maybe that would have helped me?  But since the 3rd single 
> treatment didn't help it wasn't suggested that I continue.    Plus, for 
> me, it was such an unpleasant experience i was not in much of a hurry to 
> repeat treatments.  I am convinced one of the injections caused a DVT 
> (blood clot in leg) even though the Neur. said that wasn't the cause.   
> I'm convinced the thick, cold fluid that was fed into my vein did not 
> breakdown enough before reaching my legs and caused the blood in my leg 
> to coagulate causing the clot.   But that's my interpretation.
> Before this (in ~1996) I never lost time from work due to illness. But 
> this makes up for it.  ;-)
> The fun just never ends...
> LarryT
> 91 300D
> On 11/71/2014 2:25 PM, Rich Thomas via Mercedes wrote:
> was taking that stuff and still progressively declining.  She changed 
> her diet and took up exercise and riding horses and stuff like that, and 
> has improved considerably. Apparently that is the experience of many.  
> FWIW, I have no idea how that might relate to your situation, but I 
> thought it was quite interesting.
> > --R

> > On 11/7/14 12:35 PM, WILTON via Mercedes wrote:
> >> 'Went for intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment at 7; home by 10.
> >> Wilton
> >>> On Fri, 7 Nov 2014 10:15:28 -0500 WILTON via Mercedes
> >>> <mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> >>>> Works
> >>>> W

> >>> Yup.
> >>> So what are you up to today, Wilton?
> >>> Craig


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