Soros has a big house in the Hamptons, next door to a friend of a friend, also next door to Roger Waters's house there. My friend has attended gatherings at which Soros has been, and he always appears with one of his young "nieces." My buddy and I went to an event in Houston where Soros spoke (sponsored by The Progressive Forum) as my buddy wanted me to get some first-hand exposure to the guy. It was a fascinating evening hearing him speak in sort of a Q&A format (questions by the moderator then by some audience members). [BTW way I have met the friend of the friend, who is Czech, and whose family endured the hardships of the Nazis and the commies, and who managed to come to the US, get educated, and make a LOT of money -- he is a very nice guy, very smart, and quite savvy about people. He consorts with Soros occasionally to see what he is about, and also to keep tabs on what he is up to in his various political and business efforts)

Soros is completely amoral, which became abundantly apparent from his answers to questions. One audience member asked him how he came to be like that (might not have actually asked him why we was amoral, but that was the gist of the question) and he related a story: His father had been captured by the Russians during WW2 and sent to Siberian prison camp. He managed to escape and over a period of a few months and returned to Budapest (I think it was) where he and George, themselves Jews, started ratting out Jews to the Nazis in exchange for money and whatever. George said he asked his father what he did to make it back, and the father replied, "Whatever it took" and that was the lesson George used in his own life.

So, not only was he complicit in the murders of many Jews by the Nazis during the war, he continued/s his amoral practices in his business dealings and in his various "progressive" endeavors. Soros made on apologies for any of this, in fact seemed somewhat proud of it as he did "whatever it took."

One other interesting exchange was with a young guy from West Texas who had come to the meeting to see for himself what Soros was about. He stated this in his question, then asked why Soros was opposed to guns when he had seen what happened to people in the war who could not defend themselves, and who had been subjugated by the Nazis. Soros started some song and dance about well I'm not really opposed blah blah and the kid just would not let him worm out of it. The kid sounded like a total West Texas goober but he was quite smart and very tenacious. At some point he referenced the gun he had in his pocket and I thought a lot of the audience was going to soil their pants right then and there. This goes back and forth for a few minutes, the kid had Soros all tied up and basically told him in a very firm and polite way that he was evil and a hypocrite, and the audience was going crazy, a lot of the old hippies yelling at the kid who threw it right back at them. it was on the verge of getting way out of control and the moderator finally shut everyone up, Soros made a few smartass comments that got the base cheering, but the old hippies were still mouthing off about the gun-totin kid who cleaned Soros mighty well.

Soros is a truly evil person.


On 7/17/15 10:35 AM, Curly McLain via Mercedes wrote:
Curt sez: Sadly both Trump and Walker are nuts and exceptionally good at making bad decisions. Trump takes chances and regularly goes bankrupt, can't do that with a country...

Uh... this country has been bankrupt many times and is now. It has probably spent more time insolvent than solvent. Trump also knows how to recover quickly from bankruptcy and come out better and stronger. Not someone I'd want to sit and talk with , but you can't deny his financial success I can;t think of anyone else in the country that has his clout.

I don't think sor os lives in the usa, but his clout is used for shear evil.


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