ACC is of NO value over manual controls, IF it runs. It is actually of LESS value, because your options are very limited.

ACC is disastrously expensive to repair and a total PITA to try to diagnose. BY FAR the most money I have spent to keep MBs on the road is for the fracking ACC More than I spent for most cars i've ever owned. Costs more than a 603 head.

ACC allows NO differentiation of left side/right side.

ACC does not allow you have the defrost on without the blower going FULL BLAST! It is very annoying. This is by far my greatest annoyance. countless nights, and some days, I've had to drive with one hand while switching the DEF on, then the EC, back and forth for 6 or 8 hours. Manual controls let you run def with no blower (air circ from car moving) or blower at any speed.

My total cost for maintaining manual heating/defrost over 40 years is a dollar two for some o-rings and a little waterpump grease.

IMHO, the absolute epitome of heater/Defrost is the 110/111/112/113 series, and carried over into 114/115, but not the 116.

My ideal new MB if money was no object: OM603 engine (yeah, the car would have to be shipped to lower slobovia) 5 speed trans with diff gearing near 3.0, manual driver's window and LR window. Electric RF and RR windows, Rear window Def, Vacuum locks, ala 123, A key switch and key lock doors, ala 123, tars on no less than 65 profile, manual sunroof, DIN1 hole for a radio, manual seats, outside mirrors, both sides, 2 wipers.

Actually, except for ACC and a few electric things I don't want, an SDL is pretty close. 123.123.10 is pretty close also.

I'd love to walk into the MB stealership and tell em I want a car built to my spec, then give em these specs, and show em the cash. They'd fall all over themselves until the factory tells em "no way." Then they'd throw me out.

ACC is WONDERFUL when it works - but is a real pain in the ass when it

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes <> wrote:

 Haven't you had repeated monovalve failures leaving you cold? The only
 time either of my 240Ds left me cold it was a dead fan, I kicked it a
 couple times and it came back to life...

OK Don

*"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of
our people need it sorely on these accounts."* - Mark Twain

"There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence
for themselves."

WILL ROGERS, *The Manly Wisdom of Will Rogers*
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2012 Passat TDI DSG, 44 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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