Way back when one summer I had an internship at NASA Langley. They did not tell me where I would be working, I just showed up the first day for orientation and we got our assignments. I got sent over to some offices in one of the hangars where the research aircraft lived, to a guy in the Rotor Systems Research Branch.

So we sat down to chat awhile, he was a nice guy. At some point he asked, "So what do you think about helicopters?" Being a rather honest and unfiltered kid at that point (now I am older and honest and unfiltered) I say, "Well, every time I see one I wonder how long it will be before the thing shakes itself apart."

He kinda looks at me and says, "I guess you probably won't want to work on them then, doing flight tests and stuff like that." I thought a minute, become somewhat terrified I would have to do that, and said, "No not really." So he walks me down the hall to some guys doing similar stuff but with airplanes, and I landed there for the summer. A few days later there is all this uproar that one of the helos had to make a hard landing at some little airport out in the middle of nowhere Virginia because some rather significant part failed and they had to put it down quickly before it did fly apart. Someone got hold of the part a coupla days later and one of "our" guys had to fly it down there in one of the other airplanes along with a mech to fix the thing.

My neighbor across the road has an oyster roast and Q every year, last year (and a coupla years prior) 2 Kiawah a**holes landed their helicopters (Robinsons) in a field by his house, in amongst the trees. Dangerous as hell and blowing stuff everywhere. After a while they left, then made some low passes over the marsh and creek, about 20ft high. Again dangerous as hell. They did not come this year.


On 4/13/16 11:22 AM, Randy Bennell via Mercedes wrote:
On 13/04/2016 9:11 AM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
I took a helicopter ride of the Vegas strip last night. We found a Groupon so for 3 of us it was only like $60 each for about a half hour ride. Now I want a small chopper.We flew in a Robinson R44 II, looks like new they run half a million clams. With a cruising speed of 130mph I could cut our travel time to camp from 8.5 hours to probably 3...

The husband of a lady that used to work for my wife, is an engineering professor with a specialty in metalurgy.
His view of helicopters is that it is not if they will crash, but when.



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