"7 offered nothing" not true, its a real 64bit OS which allows for big RAM, 
plus real support for SSD wear leveling in the OS, better support of the 
registry so it doesn't get corrupt if you uninstall and reinstall repeatedly, 
I know you're anti-new OS but Win7 is a very good OS with few problems. I wish 
they'd rebuilt the interface from XP instead of starting with Vista but if 
wishes were horses...


      From: Curley McLain <126die...@gmail.com>
 To: Curt Raymond <curtlud...@yahoo.com>; Mercedes Discussion List 
 Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 3:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT Mac OS 10.12
And M$ only grudgingly supported xp (kicking and screaming) because they knew 
wizzta was such a screwup and 7 offered nothing and 8 was a screwup.  Their big 
corporate customers would no longer pay M$ for new OS that broke stuff every 
year or two.  M$ tried that:  2000, 2001 became xp, then wizzta came out before 
most people bought xp.  Many biz functions were still running NT3.5 and NT4.

   Curt Raymond via Mercedes  June 23, 2016 at 10:58 AM  Thats not Microsoft, 
if your hardware manufacturer doesn't provide a driver its not Microsoft's 
I've got Win10 running nicely on an HP XW8600 circa 2009, with an SSD boot 
drive and 16GB of RAM its faster than it was with WinXP that it shipped with.
Also you've got to give Microsoft credit for supporting WinXP for a reeeeeally 
long time. It came in 2001 and was supported up until 2014. 13 years is 
exceptional, in that time Apple went through how many OS versions with 
mandatory hardware upgrades?

 From: Curley McLain via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com>
 To: Mercedes Discussion List <mercedes@okiebenz.com> 
Cc: Curley McLain <126die...@gmail.com>
 Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT Mac OS 10.12
2010 machines being dropped are not 10 years old...

As for OS, widows 2000, xp, wizzta, 7, 8, and 10 are all the same under 
the hood.  they just put arbitrary blocks to require certain hardware.  
Same with Mac OS 10.


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   Curley McLain  June 23, 2016 at 10:44 AM  
2010 machines being dropped are not 10 years old...

As for OS, widows 2000, xp, wizzta, 7, 8, and 10 are all the same under the 
hood.  they just put arbitrary blocks to require certain hardware.  Same with 
Mac OS 10.

   Dan Penoff via Mercedes  June 23, 2016 at 10:38 AM  I understand, but I also 

It takes resources to maintain and update/upgrade those older browsers. The 
revenue stream for such things is based on new purchases, so if you continue to 
put resources in place to maintain stuff that’s 10 years old or older, you 
dilute the profits for current product, or you have to make it that much more 
expensive to cover your costs.

A similar analogy would be to suggest that Mercedes should continue to offer 
updates or engineering changes/enhancements to our older cars. Why? They’re in 
business to make money, and they have no way of covering the up front costs to 
do so even if people would be willing to spend the money. Why don’t they make 
xenon headlights for W126 chassis cars, for example? (Heck, I’m not even sure 
those exist in the aftermarket!)

This is compounded with computers by the constant changes in software and 
architecture that is a part of new designs and development.

It’s a market driven issue. People want more bells and whistles and as those 
are created, rolled out and accepted by the general public the older stuff gets 
left behind. If there’s little demand for it, no one will invest the time or 
money to maintain it.

It’s progress, man. It can suck, but there’s not a lot you can do about it.



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   Curley McLain  June 23, 2016 at 10:27 AM  Yabbut, both apfel and oogle drop 
browsers for the older OS's and most of us require a web browser for normal 
work.  The alternatives for 10.5 browsers are unworkable, and 10.6 will soon go 
that way.   I could care less about any downgrades put in place from 10.5 to 10 
.12.  I'd just like my software  (and peripherals) to work.

My complaint is that it is all arbitrary and artificial to make folks buy new 
hardware and software.  (whether billygates or apfel)

   Dan Penoff via Mercedes  June 23, 2016 at 10:13 AM  They already have.

To be honest, unless you’re looking for some of the features of the newer OSs’, 
just leave well enough alone. I do it more for the challenge than anything 
else. I can’t say that there are features in El Cap or Sierra that I care about 
or need.

I recently bought a Mac Pro 3,1 to get into El Cap natively, and now with 
Sierra coming out, it’s a legacy machine.

I sort of chuckle when I hear people getting all worked up about their old 
machines not being supported. Apple has had a hardware and software legacy 
policy in place for years that’s pretty much unchanged. This is nothing new and 
the new releases fall right into place with the terms of that policy.




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