All the big lights and bright screen people will soon be ensconced in automated 
rolling coffins, where they will no longer need to see or drive themselves.  
Then the lighting will become moot, as all the cars will be linked in a hive 
mind.  It will be us old farts who will remain in need of lighting to see these 
cocoons on casters


1974 450sl -  Frosch - Two tone green
1986 SDL - Polei
1982 300 SD - Allen

retired models-
2002 s430 - Victor, a Stately & well tailored crap
1976 300D - Blei Vanst - it looks silvery
1972 220D - Gump - She was green, simple and ran
1995 E300D - Gave her life to save me against a Dame in a SUV
POS 1987 SDL - Beware Nigerian Scammers

> On Dec 18, 2017, at 8:41 AM, Meade Dillon via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jim drives in a mostly rural location, where
> the majority of his roads are not lit at night.  Dan drives mostly
> suburban, with well lit roadways.  Two totally different environs.
> I drive in mostly suburban settings now, and see nearly every driver
> looking at their smartphone while driving, and I think the lighting arms
> race is necessary in suburban settings filled with distracted drivers.
> -------------
> Max
> Charleston SC
> ___________________ 


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