Xackly!    Why don't we shut down the mouse, the NBA and all the tournaments every winter for the flu, which kills 30,000 to 60,000 each year?    "IF WE COULD SAVE JUST  ONE LIFE...."    that works for everything else, except the flu, medical error, cancer, heart disease, etc, that really kill real people.    Now, with 38 dead, and 2/3 of those from one nursing home, the mediaocrats are hyping this as their last hope to get a cranky old commie or a hopelessly befuddled old man elected as prez.

I, for one, would much rather listen to Armed American radio or Big Billy Kinder Outdoors on the radio rather than the endless fooball, basketball and yes, even kollege baseball on the radio.   And what is way worse, is the endless hours of 2 morons babbling for hours on end about nothing, so long as it related to some team or some player, or their brother's mother in laws uncles kid.

Max Dillon via Mercedes wrote on 3/12/20 8:39 PM:
I think we're seeing a nasty feedback loop. The media and the democrats (but I 
repeat myself) are hyping this really hard, trying to drive panic that will 
cause a recession, and hope that helps their election odds. Trump is 
over-reacting in order to show that he's doing something, to help his 
re-election. If both sides would focus on a measured appropriate response, in 
the best interests of the country, we'd be just fine. Instead they are making a 
mountain from a mole hill.

Normal seasonal flu is still more deadly.

The swine flu killed over a thousand Americans before barry declared an 
emergency, no panic back then.

Max Dillon
Charleston SC


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