Depending on the year and transmission you’ve got to have either “WS” or “T-IV” 
rated fluid. Neither are FLAPS sort of fluids to the best of my knowledge. 
There are aftermarket versions with these ratings but you have to determine 
what you’ve got first.


> On Nov 10, 2021, at 11:10 AM, Bob Rentfro via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:
> Future SIL’s third gen 4runner is leaking transmission fluid out of the back 
> of the transmission were an electrical connection is. The fix is like a $.65 
> O-ring. Of course to do it you have to drain the transmission fluid out. 
> Of course my reaction is drain the fluid out drop the pan change the filter 
> do all those things that anyone of us would normally do, but Toyota says no. 
> All you do is drain the fluid out and then refill it. They say that you 
> should expect about 2 1/2 quarts. as a matter of fact, they don’t even sell 
> any filters for those transmissions.
> That being said, here’s my question. We have no idea what type of 
> transmission fluid is in the transmission. Will mixing whatever we choose to 
> put back in with whatever could possibly be in there be an issue?
> AZBob
> Sent from my iPhone
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