I had an '87 toyota truck when I was young, and would agree at least at that 
time the transmissions were good. Not really knowing much the first time I 
changed the fluid I just used Dexron III that I picked up at the local gas 
station and it never missed a beat. The truck was used many years after that 
and when it was finally sold it was rusty as heck but the engine and 
transmission were still running like new.

A friend who is a Honda-trained mechanic nearly had me convinced that Hondas 
MUST use the OE transmisison fluid you can only get at the dealer. But after 
two Honda transmission failures, I think they just have weak clutch linings. 
Watched a couple of rebuild videos on them and one of the rebuilders said he 
just uses good synthetic fluid in them and doesn't get them back for any 
reasons related to the fluid.


On Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 1:18 PM, Rick Knoble via Mercedes wrote:
> I'd probably put in whatever the Toyota dealer parts department sells for the 
> truck. Toyota automatic transmissions are exceedingly robust.
> Rick
> From: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Sent: November 10, 2021 10:11 AM
> To: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Reply-to: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Cc: azbob...@gmail.com
> Subject: [MBZ] Transmission Fluid Q
> Future SIL’s third gen 4runner is leaking transmission fluid out of the back 
> of the transmission were an electrical connection is. The fix is like a $.65 
> O-ring. Of course to do it you have to drain the transmission fluid out.
> Of course my reaction is drain the fluid out drop the pan change the filter 
> do all those things that anyone of us would normally do, but Toyota says no. 
> All you do is drain the fluid out and then refill it. They say that you 
> should expect about 2 1/2 quarts. as a matter of fact, they don’t even sell 
> any filters for those transmissions.
> That being said, here’s my question. We have no idea what type of 
> transmission fluid is in the transmission. Will mixing whatever we choose to 
> put back in with whatever could possibly be in there be an issue?
> AZBob
> Sent from my iPhone
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