Mike Canfield wrote:
The Volvo 240 series are a GREAT car! The later models(86-89) had MUCH better fuel injection than the earlier models. They are IMHO as solid and probably the only car safer than a MBZ W123 240D. They handle very well, hold up to abuse even better and keep you alive in a crash the best. I had a Ford Ranger pull out in front of my 82 240 wagon......TOTALLED the Ranger when I hit his passenger front fender, bent the frame and mangled the whole front end........I flat towed the Volvo home because when I started it back up to move it out of the road the fan punched a hole in the radiator! It still tracked straight as an arrow when I let go of the wheel at 50. Got an 89 after that and nicknamed it the 12 ga. Volvo after killing 3 deer with it.....Replaced a couple headlights and straightened out the bent metal all 3 times and kept right on driving......One of them was a 175 pound doe that I hit at 45MPH. Didn't even see her coming. EVERY time I drove back home.

They are extremely easy to work on....Brake pads, while only slightly larger than a postage stamp, are a breeze and take a total of 15 minutes per side. Nothing else ever seems to need much work but I would compare them with the W123 as far as easy to maintain....Maybe even a bit easier.

The ride in a new mid '80s 240DL vs a Mercedes 123 was inferior. The Mercedes was superior to the Volvo in ride, handling and in retrospect somewhat better longevity. The Volvo was cheaper and a good value for the money and ALMOST equally safe.

Marshall Booth Ph.D.
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

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