
Two a week ago i had addressed to the forum a very simple question
about a problem with the Ke-jetronic system in my W124/300E - 91 and
received a very small feedback, near nothing. Maybe i'm asking at the
wrong place - never knows, but i would like to ask to this gentlemen
maillist subscribers if anybody knows a specific maillist about Bosch
Ke-jetronic ignition systems, where maybe i can get some help to get rid
off the ignition issues i'm facing with this car.

Thank you all,


Original message:


My 300E/91 has a very strange problem, after a month or so coming back
from the indy:

a) Cold or warm, the rpm rises to 1300/1400 rpm by 12 sec., and after
that the rpm returns to normal cycle (750rpm).

b) Un-pluging a two-wire connector at the idle control valve this
symptom stops: no high rpm is observed when the motor is warm.

c) Is the auxiliary air valve different than the idle air control valve,
or two different names for the same part number?

d) Where could the fault be:
1- In a thermo-time switch (must be replaced to be sure?) Where exactly
is it in the M103?
2- The fault could be in the ECU? How can it be tested only for this

Too many questions, and too basic also, but a really DIY'fer must start
with something :)

A helping hand would be very appreciated, mostly by the lack of Indy's
around my town.



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