Zoltan Finks wrote:
> The topic of wisdom teeth is of high interest to me, as I still have my two
> lower ones at age 36. I had the top two pulled because they each had a
> cavity. Am weighing the risks against the benefits of having the lower ones
> pulled (you probably know that the lower ones are more risky).
> I ask my dentist and oral surgeon if these two lower wisdom teeth will give
> me trouble of any sort between now and my funeral.

Assuming they came in properly, it seems reasonable to treat them like
any other teeth -- leave them unless they become a problem.  Is there
any reason why pulling them now would be better than doing it later?

I still have my two right ones.  My lower left one started to decay, and
the upper left was pulled as well because it was then nonfunctional.  I
dreaded having it done but it was actually a piece of cake, mostly
because I was sedated.  I don't remember anything from the time they put
the IV in until I was getting out my credit card to pay for the
procedure...and frankly I'm missing chunks of the rest of the afternoon,
too.  It was almost worth it just for the drugs. ;)

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