As a graphic artist who started out in the early nineties, I'm a fan of
Macs, but cannot back it up with the specific reasons you guys give. Maybe
I'm a sucker.

On the other hand, all I've had access to in recent years (aside from at
school lately) is a Dell pentuim IV PC. Things have changed in the last
decade or so, in that I can now do most modest graphic arts tasks on a
regular home PC.

The thing that I'm intrigued by, as we are now looking for another home
computer that I can also do graphic design work on, is the supposed vastly
superior tech. support available through Apple. Not to step on any toes out
there, but I really hate dealing with tech support guys - they usually sport
such a "I know stuff you don't and I have the answers you need, so I don't
have to be nice to you, (and I don't get out into the open air much and thus
have few soical skills) attitude.

Supposedly, and confirmed by Chuck, a call/email/visit to the Apple store
can net us interaction with fluent English speakers with good social skills
and real solutions. That's what I need.

Thoughts on this, and the value provided by the more expensive Mac and its
software? How about reliability?


No, that's not quite what an Apple Store is like...  If I need some
help and there's warranty or extended warranty, I can log onto and make an appointment w/a "genius" in my local Store in
Chandler, AZ...  Take laptop/desktop in and they will generally take
care of it even if I screwed it up.  I did that w/IPhoto and voila!,
fixed.....  I signed up for $99/year for and get storage/
synch/etc., ,,,,,,,,/

FWIW, I've got an iBook G4 PowerPC w/OS 10.4.8 and an Emac (at home)
w/Classic Environment.......

Would never go back to PC.....  But, if I need to, I can log onto on a PC and get my mail, etc.....

And let's not forget........MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND ALL WHOM YOU

Take care,

Phoenix AZ

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