my kid likes to open 27 websites at once until the machine crashes.  it
always does.  i aways scream.  then someone tries to sell me something
unsolicited.  then the screen goes blue. that was my life

i told my kid to do anything she could opening and closing websites and
programs to crash os x.  she couldn't do it.

we were both impressed

On 12/26/06, OK Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

First, it's hard to separate dispassionate analysis from religious
fever in any PC vs. Mac discussion. My bias is towards PCs. My
favorite quote on the question is "A Mac is like a bicycle with
training wheels that you can't take off". This dates from the DOS 3
era. There are those of us (mostly Linux users now) who like to fiddle
with the innards of their PCs, knowingly trading stability for
There are a LOT of variables that effect PC stability - from the
quality of the hardware to the software to the user. I have users who
regularly destroy PCs, and those that regularly destroy Macs. I will
say that Apple is not going to sell you a hard drive or memory chip
from the bottom of the barrel, which many PC manufactures will - and
you really run into with "white box" or DIYS PCs where price is the
deciding criteria when choosing parts. I buy the cheapest parts I can
find, but don't expect them to be the pinnacle of reliability. I
maintain them my self, and just deal with it when a drive gets
corruption or dies.
If you install every piece of shareware someone tells you about, you
can expect an un-stable Windows OS. If you only use mainstream
software, and don't constantly remove and re-install versions, etc.,
you can expect Windows to be stable, at least from NT workstation and
XP on.

We only got Macs for our graphics folk when they started printing
directly to color presses - color management on a Macs was light years
ahead of PCs at the time - about seven years ago. One of the graphic
artists is constantly crashing his Mac and having to re-load it. He's
the "Mac guru" of the shop - go figure.

I've never used consumer support, so have no idea what you'll get from
any of them. The State (OK) just standardized on Dell PC's, and I can
tell you that, so far, HP commercial support beats Dell's hands down.
I think that you'll get comparable hardware quality from the
commercial versions of PCs from IBM, HP, etc., and from Apple. The
jury is still out on Dell. I doubt that you'll get that level of
quality from the consumer versions of PCs from anyone. I can tell you
that the mechanical difference between commercial models of Compaq
laptops and the one consumer Dell I have is like a Mercedes to a
Hyundai. You can read the vintage of the machines I'm talking about by
the use of Compaq instead of HP ---

I did "drop tests" on three models of laptops each from Dell and
Compaq once. I had demo units of the ultra-portable, two spindle mid
size, and "desktop replacement" commercial lines. I dropped them,
running, from waist high, onto a "raised floor" - 24" square tiles
suspended above concrete. only the largest Dell failed - the screen
cracked and was un-usable. The other five ran as if nothing had
happened. I attribute the failure of the Dell to the random angle and
corner it hit at - not a design deficiency. They all survived better
than I expected. note - this was about five years ago --- YMMV.

Norman, OK
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just
sit there."
Will Rogers
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

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