.. With a movie camera?


It was indeed worthy of 'Funniest Home Videos', and now that I am a couple
of days past the actual event I even think it funny.  For those who have not
seen Jax, he is now a house dog/horse at 100# plus, who gets much less
exercise than he would like.  As we have squirrels and rabbits in the yard I
seldom take  him out without a leash.  Thursday morning is trash day, and
being the man of the house [I think Jax should take that over.] I needed to
get the trash cans to the curb prior to the 6:50 AM trash pickup.  The
problems started the day before when I had gone through the front gate to
the pool area and left the gate open a bit as I was planning to come back
out that way and close it.  For some reason I went out the back way and
never did close the gate.  Thursday morning I took Jax out, and we headed
for the trash cans that are just inside the gate.  Since the door was open
several inches Jax went through the gate just about the time I had my hand
on the handle to pull it open far enough so that I could enter.  This would
not have been a problem except for the rabbit in the pool area having its
breakfast.  Upon seeing said rabbit my calm house dog/horse became a single
large muscle of rabbit starved action who was nothing but a blur of tail as
he leapt into action.  This should not have been a problem for anyone except
for the rabbit.  The difficulty came in that I was on the outside of a gate
that opens out, and since I wrap the leash around my wrist [in case of
squirrels when we walk] there was no way to let go of said leash as my arm
was yanked straight out, with the rest of my body being hurled against the
slightly open gate, slamming it closed.  I guess I should be happy my face
wasn't involved and the opening was slight enough that only the first half
of my forearm got through before the gate slammed on it.  I am also to be
thought fortunate that after the gate slammed on my arm it only traveled
about 5" before it stopped.  The abrupt jerk pulled Jax nearly off his feet
and my yell was loud and painful enough to make him forget about the rabbit
and come back to see if his meal ticket was still alive.  I think I got off
pretty lucky, only losing a little blood and a relatively thin layer of
skin, with only a slight gash from the middle of my forearm to my elbow.
But why was no one there with a video camera?  That could have been my big
moment, and I could have used the $$ for medical care and repairs on my
Benz.  Some days I don't think it safe for me to be behind the wheel of a
classic Mercedes.


Jacksonville  FL

1981 300SD  289k miles, in the shop for a week getting a new right side ball
joint and idler arm, AC compressor, rear door actuators, rf door handle and
having various vacuum related issues addressed.

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