An interesting take on the sale here:

I wonder if this means that the UPS guy will quit screwing up and delivering my MB parts to the local dodge dealer?


Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:
too bad they didnt just revert back to daimler benz

Subject: Re: [MB] Chrysler "Sold"

DCAG just announced that it will sell Chrysler to an investment firm, Cerberus, for $7.5 billion. The deal is complicated, as DCAG (to be renamed Daimler AG--whatever happened to Benz?) will keep a 19.9-percent interest and loan money back to Chrysler Holdings, a subsidiary of Cerberus. This isn't the deal that the unions wanted, but they didn't get their employee ownership dealtogether fast enough. The net of the deal seems to be that nobody gets much significant money, but Cerberus will end up being able to ditch some of Chrysler's money-losing operations, and Daimler can go its merry way building Mercedes-Benzes again.

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