(And no, I am not in support of bicyclists arrogantly taking up too much
space in the roadway - they do not have the right to do so).

If there is not room to safely share the lane, the cyclist may and should ride far enough to the left to force passing traffic to wait until it is
safe to change lanes to pass. It's not arrogance.

Last time I checked here, a bicycle _is_ a car so far as the
law is concerned.  You treat them like such, and you ride them
like such.

And it stinks, last time I was forced to (single, and having my
truck worked on at at shop that wasn't particularly close to
work) ride on city streets some asshole in a new Hummer (pre-H2)
nearly clipped me as he roared past me on the left in the turn
lane.  (I was preparing to make my turn to the left.)  Totally
a ticketable offense, but where's a cop when you need him?

Next time I am forced to ride on city streets I think it would
be very prudent to sling my Garand across my back.

I'd leave the clip at home.  The first time!

-- Jim

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