Oooh yes, America the land of the free, shining beacon of Democracy, 
leader of the free world but if you get laid off because the Government 
has fallen asleep at the wheel, watch out.
I hear they are building concentration camps (and calling them trailer 
parks) to lock up all those bludgers and keep them away from good, 
decent folk in the gated estates who vote the right way.
Obviously the voting ban should extend to those who don't pay enough 
taxes, unless they can prove that the reason they pay low taxes is that 
they have a clever accountant who moves the money through various 
holding companies and off shore accounts.
Of course if you are a student, then there is no vote for you, unless 
you work part time and pay a certain amount of taxes. Although my 
preferences is to put those long haired hippy types into the Army so 
they can be sent overseas to teach other nations all about democracy the 
American way, along the lines of do what we say or get blown up. Now 
because Government employees, like soldiers, don't actually pay taxes 
they should be disenfranchised. It seems fair that they die for their 
country but don't get to have a say in who runs the place.
However to simplify all this I would suggest that only registered 
republican party members have the right to vote, naturally there would 
have to be a screening process to ensure no undesirables obtain 
membership, perhaps a joining fee of $10K (which would be fully tax 
deductible) would deter those sub humans.

Obersturmfuehrer Hendrik
who is off to a meeting of 'Decent Whites for Decent Rights' at which we 
will be burning a few books, practicing window smashing and swapping 
tips on how to get blood off jackboots

Seriously though, it saddens me to see this sort of rubbish right next 
to posts commemorating the D-Day landings, which where essentially 
designed to liberate the people of western Europe and return the right 
to vote to them, regardless of their economic circumstances. As opposed 
to having the Soviets do the liberating and then enforce their form of 
I do believe that Nazi Germany would have lost the war D-Day or not.

Jim Cathey wrote:
>> dole for more than 2 months of the previous year then you should not be
>> allowed to vote. That does not include the verifiably disabled
> I would not be quite so generous.  IMHO, dole == no vote,
> and I'm so sorry if that's a trouble.  If there are loopholes,
> the natural tendency is to open them up, defeating the whole
> purpose.
> In fact, I _just_ might be convinced to add those on public
> salary to the same list!  Isn't the federal government now
> the largest single employer in existence?  Have they reached
> self-sustaining critical mass yet?  "Vote for Johnson, keep
> your job!"
> -- Jim

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