> Re: PIII speed:
> >...don't expect a speed improvement beyond the obvious boost to
> >500MHz (and faster once .18 fabs come online).
> Fabs? What are those? I found a fabs in my float.h once, never did see it
> again. I think it was for finding absolute values. :-)

At the risk of stating the obvious (and for the sake of those less technical
in our audience): In chipmaking terminology, a "Fab" is a chip fabricating
plant, the .18 refers to 0.18 micron line widths, which is the next benchmark
in the ever-smaller spiral of chip feature-sizes.  And to think it wasn't that
long ago when sub-micron was a wonderous new goal [chips at the time were
mostly 1.2-2.0u lines, and the new 0.8 stuff was boggling].  Current stuff is
mostly .35-.20u


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