In a message dated Tue, 12 Oct 1999  2:16:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Jeff Woods 

> If you tried to "break them up", with, say, 100,000 "iterations" per user, 
> then the person with 100,001 through 200,000 cannot even start 100,001 
> until all 100,000 iterations of the last person had been finished.
> If you tried this, you'd only slow things down, because you'd have to send 
> the "mid-test results" back to Entropia, and then out to the next tester, 
> before they can start.   That's what would slow things down -- the 
> back-and-forth of the intermediate results.
> Yes, it takes a while, but its very much best for one person to just do the 
> whole test, even though it's going to take two years.

Well, as completion time gets longer and longer, it becomes more likely that a user 
will give up in disgust.  This could be after several months of work is already 

How about an option when you hit "QUIT GIMPS" to upload your P and Q files to 
Primenet, so someone can at least finish the job?

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