At 11:39 AM 2/11/00 -0600, you wrote:
>On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Infinite to me means never ending. A precisely defined value to me is a
>> finite value.
>  Your definition of infinite is not correct.

Just glanced at my Websters Dictionary. infinite: 1. lacking limits; endless.
Endless and never ending seem synonymous to me.
What dictionary are you using? 
>> A never ending value is not finite.
>  Pi is greater than 3 and less than 4, therefore it is finite.

Question to you. How much greater is pi to 3 or less than 4. If you cannot
give me a answer then I will help you. Subtract 3 from your "finite" value
of pi, or subtract your "finite" value of pi from 4. No approximations.
Please give the answer in finite terms.

Disclaimer: All email I have sent to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list since 2-9-00
assumed that all on the list had read my post "Re: more info on pi" in
which I explained that "I am not a mathematician." . However: that post
seems to have disapeared. Then I changed the title to "Re: pi and 4" and
re-sent again at 9:38 A.m. Central time 2-11-00 (this morning). cc'ing to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as per his offer to help in tracking it. This email will
give all a very good understanding of my observations if it should ever be
delivered. I am contemplating re-sending it again. I am not sure why?
Remember; I am not a mathematician. It is a hobby. I am a cabinetmaker. And
also, you know what happens when you assume?  Well, perhaps, I have made
one out of you and me.
:) smile

Good natured.. thats me. Really.
Thanks for bearing up under my verse.



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