Disclaimer: I am not a mathematician. It is a hobby. I am a cabinetmaker.

At 03:19 PM 2/11/00 -0600, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
>I think the mistake you are making is that the *precision* of PI is infinite
>(never ending), but PI itself is not "infinity".
>3.14159.....->ininite number of numbers
>Since it is 3.something we know it is > 3 and < 4.
>Take 1/3 for example.
>Its decimal value us 0.333333333....-> infinte # of 3's
>But it is < 3 and > 0. Just because the number of 3's in it is infinite does
>not mean it is "infinity".

1/3 is a ratio. The decimal value .3333333......->
Circumference/diameter is a ratio. The decimal value 3.1415....->

!/3 of a 12 inch rope is 4 inch
d/c of a 12 inch rope is ?  (3.1415......->something  *  12)

Seems to me a ratio is needed for pi.



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