On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> It is my understanding that this list is for the promotion of the search
> for mersenne primes. I may be a laymen when it comes to mathematics, but to
> my knowlege, this is not a requirement of the list.
> I would hope that your opinion is in the minority. It smacks of elitieism.

Ouch.  Sorry, there.  Perhaps I misspoke; I was certainly misunderstood.

I applaud anyone who is interested in math, and this mailing list is
certainly full of such people.  We often have good conversations here
about all sorts of topics related to math, pi, infinities, whatever; last
I recall we have Math PHD's and, well, cabinetmakers on the list and
anyone in between.  All welcome, and while it's not my place to do so, I
encourage people to post; the archives are rich with posts on every topic
and at every level of math.

My apologies, anyway, if I sounded off the mark.  I meant no ill will, and
I believe I mentioned how enthusiastic I was about the thread.  I just
thought there may be better resources than here for certain discussions.
Not so much that they don't belong here than that your questions may well
be better answered somewhere else.  I was, unbelievably, trying to be

Anyway, sorry again.  It shan't happen again.


       \\ ^ //
        (o o)
| Chip Lynch            |   Computer Guru            |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |                            | 
| (703) 465-4176   (w)  |   (202) 362-7978   (h)     |

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