On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 3:10 PM, George Woltman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>An exponent is considered double-checked if either tested by a different
>program or tested by prime95 using a different shift count (called offset
>by some).
>         3)  How likely is it that someone goes to the trouble of figuring
>             how to forge the 32-bit verification code on each results
>             and then use that info to turn in bogus *composite* results?
>             After all, such a clever person might well be smart enough to
>             get a variety of userids too.

I'm not particularly worried about intentional cheating, just accidents.
OTOH, there isn't anything like a verification code on the manual check-in

Maybe non-prime95 results are so rare they aren't worth thinking about.

Robert Deininger

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