Jean-Yves:  Did you check to see if any or all of the exponents cleared by
"tomfakes" matches with the exponents I found in the 701xxxx-702xxxx range?

List:  Three new small factors have been turned in in the past few days.
The list in the 70xxxxx range is now

7019297  57  DF  160100125459121849  27-Sep-01 22:52  TempleU-DI
7020641  58  DF  226230108157229263  30-Sep-01 02:05  RayPelzer    Homebase
7025987  56  DF   74052063365823791  30-Sep-01 01:12  shaneamy     P600A
7027303  55  DF   31090234297428433  30-Sep-01 22:14  dswanson     nosnawsd
7028947  58  DF  203918491658210359  01-Oct-01 03:11  SW           jobn164
7033963  56  DF  100945633281264553  03-Oct-01 07:36  TempleU-DI
7036409  58  DF  321885922408857601  04-Oct-01 02:54  MartinTraupe Maxsein


> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 22:23:38 +0200
> From: "Jean-Yves Canart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: FW: Mersenne: Re: Factoring Failure?
> Hello all,
> I have browsed some logs I archived long time ago and I have found this:
> In may 1998, one user, "tomfakes", cleared around 80 exponents with factor
> found = "1"
> It was in the range 7013000-7055000.
> Regards,
> Jean-Yves

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