Steve Harris wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 3:44 PM
>Subject: Re: FW: Mersenne: Re: Factoring Failure?
>> > Either way, GIMPS
>> > has never considered missing a factor as a big deal.  It
>> > only means some wasted effort running a LL test that could
>> > have been avoided.
>>True enough - though I'm concerned that the "no factors below 2^N"
>>database may be seriously flawed, from the point of view of GIMPS
>>it would seem to be a waste of time to go round redoing trial
>>factoring just to fix this problem.
>Yes, from the point of view of GIMPS (that is, searching for
>Mersenne primes) it's not a huge deal... but there also exists
>an effort to fully factor the candidates that are not prime,
>and this throws a big problem into that project. Someone could
>be trial factoring an exponent from 2^59 to 2^65 and find a
>factor in that range after a smaller factor had been missed,
>and it will go into the database as the smallest factor when
>it actually is not. Might be decades before the smaller factor
>is discovered.

Actually... IIRC... George noted once that the database of
smallest KNOWN factors was just that... and did NOT
necessarily mean that it contained the smallest factors of
any given exponent...  

There was a bug in a previous version (v19??) which caused
Prime95 to not continue trial-factoring to find a smaller
factor after one had been found and it had been stopped
(or went to sleep)... There was also the advent of P-1
factoring which does not necessarily find the smallest
factor, but instead finds factors comprised of lots of
small factors, and can therefore miss smaller factors which
does not have lots of small factors...  

In this case... the database would not necessarily have the
smallest factor for every exponent with a factor found... but
instead the smallest KNOWN factor... which is not necessarily
the smallest factor for that exponent...


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