Carleton Garrison wrote:
> [? wrote:]
> >
> > This is why I like that you lose credit for a LL-test if someone else
> > finds a factor later, or if two other independant checks prove your
> > result to be wrong.
> Me too.  I understand that George's top producer page does this, while the
> PrimeNet stat page does not.  PrimeNet really needs this capability.

To me, there is no question that an LL test that is shown to be wrong
should not count for anything. The number still required two more LL
tests, so that it as if the erroneous one had not been done.

But, at least in theory, every Mersenne number proven non-prime will
eventually be factored. Again, to me, so what? At least the LL test
showed that further factoring activity would eventually succeed.

I have nothing against George doing things that way. (When I play ball
with him, I play by his rules or I don't play at all. You know why?
Because it's his ball, that's why.) Seriously, I can see some point to
doing things that way, but I would do probably do it differently.

But even more seriously, I'm just glad to be in the game, and I am
grateful to George and all the others who have made it easy and fun to


PS  I just got a chuckle from imagining a very competitive team tearing
down an opponent by finding what numbers the opponent had done LL tests
on, and factoring them.
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