George Woltman wrote:

> In fact, one of the reasons I was a little suspicious of the report 
> this morning
> was that I had not received the primenet email.  It seems that the 
> eagle-eyed
> Henk Stokhorst may have been the first to know that M#39 was uncovered.

Achim Passauer, also from Europe, mailed me a couple of minutes after I 
had send the message to the list. We both check status pages regularly 
for progress and / or artifacts. Such as the change in the server not 
re-assigning exponents for factoring after they have expired. This 
morning when I got out of bed, I wanted to see if enough new results had 
been turned in for running a new report on the number of machines 
running Prime95 based on the file cleared.txt. Then I saw the new lines. 
I assumed there was some error involved, downloaded my email and found 
... nothing. So I decided to write to the list without any comment, I 
was afraid some modification had been made to the reportgenerator and 
making wrong counts for two new categories. Well lucky we are, a new 
real candidate for #39.



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