Hey, no fair... you're not going to share the results of your
investigation? :)

I guess we can all wait for verification... sigh...

> -----Original Message-----
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dieter Schmitt
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 5:32 PM
> Subject: Re: Mersenne: prime
> Hi,
> at November 1, I saved a copy of Assignments Report. Today I
> the
> new Assignments Report and the Cleared Exponents Report. Stored the
> files into a database.
> Knowing the new prime exponent probably had been listed at Nov. 1 but
> isn't
> listed today ...... that's enough.
> Doing a query for inconsistency between the two Assignments Reports
> another query for inconsistency between the first query result and the
> Cleared Exponents Report yields only a few possible entries >
> digits (<10).
> I didn't look for more than 10.000.000 digits ;-)
> Checking these few possibilities (IPS account ID) against hrf5.txt for
> "Who"
> @GIMPS and searching GIMPS HomePage (Top Producers/expanded
> leaves only one entry matching the second condition (exponents tested
= 3)
> :-)
> Of course, the new prime exponent may have been assigned after Nov., 1
> ......
> Yours,
> Dieter Schmitt
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> Mersenne Prime FAQ      -- http://www.tasam.com/~lrwiman/FAQ-mers

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