At 10:28 PM 12/4/2001 +0100, Henk Stokhorst wrote:

(as part of a listing of factors found by himself)

>12348829 103   F  9722991869324431663702571958950  22-Feb-01 07:48
>SCUM           C7375CE26

Is this a bug in the reporting software?  I don't have the tools to work it 
out exactly, but a 103-bit number should be slightly larger than 2^103, or


the factor


is one digit too short, and thus appears to be truncated.  The fact that it 
is even, and there is a relative shortage of Mrsenne numbers wandering 
about with even factors (or, for that matter, factors of five) would seem 
to me to confirm that.

However, if it were truncated it couldn't have the beginning digit 9 - then 
it'd have 106 bits, unless my mental math is off.

Something really odd is going on.


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