> Some general questions regarding the ongoing provision of information
on the
> aforementioned forum:
> 1. What happens to the archive of posts if "teamprimerib.com" suddenly
> disappears? Is it lost forever?

I doubt we are going anywhere... :)

The resources for this site allow for a BBS that is much larger than
what we currently have...

> 2. Are these messages really going to be archived anyway? Will
messages expire
> beyond a certain age?

Pruning is turned off... If someone wants a copy of the database it will
be freely available once I figure out how to strip it of sensitive
data... I'm new to MySQL, but I'm sure this is trivial...

> 3. Also, although less significantly, does the hosting site
automatically gain
> ownership of all the material posted? Some sites seem to think they
do, although
> I haven't checked this one.

All content is owned by GIMPS, not TPR... George calls the shots...
Someday I'd like to have one of those little legal warning things
written to that effect, but my knowledge of legal stuff is

> Certainly an archived and freely available mailing list would be a
safer bet for
> all three of the above.

I agree, but a forum is a good way to attract new GIMPS members (Our
primary goal!) who are more in tune with that type of medium... It is
also a bit more "chatty"... This allows people to get to know each other
better... It is also a lot more fun!

> However, I'm not against original and accessible ways to make
> accessible, of course, so don't take this as a flame against the forum


All suggestions for improvement are appreciated... You have valid
concerns and if you want to talk further please contact me...

Mike (Xyzzy)

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