At 11:06 AM 2002-08-18, you wrote:

> > 3. Also, although less significantly, does the hosting site
> > automatically gain ownership of all the material posted?
> > Some sites seem to think they do, although
> > I haven't checked this one.
>All content is owned by GIMPS, not TPR... George calls the shots...
>Someday I'd like to have one of those little legal warning things
>written to that effect, but my knowledge of legal stuff is

You might want to make that note very soon and *very* prominent because 
people aren't generally considered to have given up the rights to their 
writing unless they explicitly state it or the site they're posting to says 
so very clearly. More than a few free hosts and free e-mail services have 
lost people in droves when they've changed their policies to taking 
ownership rights of what's posted...

Funny you should mention that as the copyright notice at says 
that all writing is their property and there's no exemption states for 
their forums. It doesn't give me a good feeling that the admin isn't 
answering my e-mail messages about that.


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