Get a P4 motherboard that supportes DDR333 (PC2700). Then buy the
"Extreme" PC2700 memory from It has a significant
performance-enhancing feature: 2.0 cycle latency versus the more
standard 2.5. This high-performance Corsair memory only costs a few
bucks more than standard PC2700 sticks. (I'm sure other people make
CL2.0 sticks, I just haven't found them anywhere for purchase.)

Any decent white-box manufacturer should be able to find you PC2700 DDR
with CAS2.0.

Ryan Malayter
Sr. Network & Database Administrator
Bank Administration Institute
Chicago, Illinois, USA
PGP Key:
Twas a woman who drove me to drink. I never had the courtesy to thank
     -W.C. Fields

-----Original Message-----
From: Russel Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 9:55 AM
Subject: Mersenne: christmas computer system?

I'm giving my brother's family a new computer for christmas.
He'll buy it from a local (to him) 'white box' pc store and I'll
pay for it.  I am a little concerned about performance because
the pc will probably be running GIMPS and I'd like to get my
money's worth.  It's easy to request a P4 in the 2.0-2.5 range
and 256M-512M of memory but I've read of the bottleneck caused
by slow memory and the bus between memory and cpu and I don't
know what to specify or how to evaluate components in this area
or measure performance after the pc is built.

Any comments or suggestions?

I want them to have a fast machine but not on the bleeding
(expensive) edge.

Other than GIMPS I'm sure my nephew will be the heaviest load
when he plays games on the new machine.

I think I should also request the video card has all of it's own
memory, right?  I don't want the video to share the main memory
for performance reasons, right?

Cheers... Russ


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