On Mon, 24 May 1999, Brian Paul wrote:

> >  what do you think about using GNU autoconf/automake/libtool for Mesa?
> 1. As you point out, there's probably a few non-Unix systems that
> don't have autoconf but work with the existing Makefiles.  Traditional
> Makefiles will probably still be needed.
The autoconf/automake systems just build conventional makefiles.

The makefiles are not much use to Borland C++ and MSVC users because
they want weird project files and such - but for everything else,
the stuff that automake/autoconf produces seems very portable.

> 2. I've had several offers from people to write autoconf scripts in
> the past but when I ask about them about maintenance they seem to go
> silent.  Someone will have to maintain this stuff, or at least document
> it thoroughly so I can understand it.  Maintenance and documentation
> often take more resources than the initial setup.
>From my (limited) experience, I'd say that once it's set up, you'll have
no problems in understanding how to maintain it.  Getting it set up
in the first place (especially so that it works on *all* the platforms)
is hard though.

In the end, you have a 'configure.in' file that contains all the
black magic that you'll hardly ever want to change (unless you are
adding a new platform or something) - and a bunch of Makefile.am's
that look like VERY clean VERY simple Makefiles. So just adding/
removing/renaming source files is extremely easy. Dependancies
are auto-computed, it's all very easy.

Steve Baker                (817)619-2657 (Vox/Vox-Mail)
Raytheon Systems Inc.      (817)619-2466 (Fax)
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