On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 03:47:05PM +0000, Neal Tringham wrote:
> FX_grTexCombine_NoLock(GR_TMU1, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_ZERO,             
> call for the (LODBlend is false and tmu!=FX_TMU1) case with
> if (fxMesa->haveTwoTMUs)

It's a good fix. I added that case to the code after reading a comment
from Carmack that indicated that leaving the second TMU active, even if
it wasn't used, could be a serious performance hit. Of course, if you
only have one TMU, making that call is bad news. Thanks for the
patch. It should definetly go in. I think it'll help a few of the
Banshee users as well.

                                                - |Daryll

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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