Andu wrote:
>What I don't understand  is the fact that no one mentions externals for
>to supplement special needs.
I do all the time.

>With your extensive HyperCard culture I'm sure you can find an external
>printing that does what you want and works with MC too, few of them
don't .
I've found that most, if not all of the stuff in the recently released
WetWare Collection and Listmaster external don't work.
There seem to be too many internal differences between SC-HC and MetaCard
that any external which relies heavily on one product doesn't work like
it should in the other. This is one of the reasons why I'm currently
developing a MetaCard external for the MacOS.

>For Windows...
Is that an open invitation? Judging from the response I've gotten for the
Report Generator, it seems that printing is at the bottom of people's

Tuviah Snyder
Custom Application Development & SuperCard/HyperCard Conversion at a low

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